The Ethical Nude

Exposing Nakedness

“Picasso did not paint for the eyes but for the gut. He painted for the gut that the eyes might be opened.”

I was at ease, and he broke me apart; he seized me by the neck and dashed me to pieces. (Job 16:12)

One only has to compare a portrait of Picasso’s wife to that of one his lovers to prove that his strange perspective on reality worked from the inside out.

What we feel as we observe his works is what he feels about his subjects as he paints them. The spirit and desire which animate man and beast not only move flesh but, in Picasso’s world, distort reality. Time and history without fail reveal the true character of objects, people and ideologies. A Picasso is often the exterior of a person or event refracted and distorted by an impression of the spirit or emotion within. It is a history in a single frame, an X-ray study that discovers not the bones but the heart. Emotional reality is revealed in shape and color. In these cases, Picasso’s subjects are “ethical nudes.”

Continue reading at Theopolis Institute.

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